“This is AMAZING!!! I use it for sore muscles. Also, I’ll rub some on my temples to get rid of a headache. This works when nothing else does!! I’m so glad to discover this product! Thank you.”


“My teenager can’t stop picking at her face. I had her apply MTPC to the acne wounds and not only did they heal fast, the scarring was minimal. She keeps it on her always. Works great!”

— CM

“My cat is playful and my wrists looked like I fought my cat and lost. I used MTPC and the scratches healed fast and no more cat scars. It’s my new favorite cream, I carry one with me in my purse. Awesome product!”

— EC

“I felt a canker sore coming, used MTPC and reapplied a few times per day and the canker sore never broke out. Like magic.”

— ED

“I have suffered from a frozen shoulder. Doing all stretches and couldn’t get beyond the pain. Was introduced to MTPC and after months of pain, I can say with absolute certainty, my recovery is in sight!”


“I burnt my arm on my curling iron and applied MTPC and the burn felt better! I reapplied each time the pain returned. The burn healed really fast. Thank you, MTPC.”


“My husband was bed bound and bed sores appeared. We applied MTPC and the bed sores actually healed. Life changing results.”


“I use MTPC for many things: scratches, burns, pain, etc.”


“I’m a postal worker and I cut my hands daily on paper and boxes. I used MTPC and the pain was gone instantly. MTPC works!”


“Grand baby had a bright red rash. Used Magic Touch Pain Cream, the next diaper change, I couldn’t believe it! The rash was gone, I’ve never seen anything like it.”


“I had 3 sores under the wire on my bra. I instantly knew it was shingles. I went to the doctor and received a shot. If you’ve had shingles, you know that if the sores break open the burning and itching pain is excruciating and you have to heal. I used MTPC and it took the pain AND itch away. The pain did return to I reapplied MTPC three times per day and the sores not only healed but with no scarring. It’s amazing.

— DM